Treatment and control of mycoplasma contamination in Plasmodium falciparum culture2016-09-07 13:34
締一生物導讀:四抗生素的療效比較,Plasmocin(大環內酯類),成分1,2,(四環素),和biomyc-3,支原體祛除劑(喹諾酮衍生物)是排除惡性瘧原蟲培養支原體檢測。采用酶PCR支原體檢測試劑盒和檢測瘧原蟲生存存在支原體測定在姬姆薩染色涂片由處理的和未處理的文化。據觀察,結合成分1和2殺死瘧疾寄生蟲的24小時內,而造成的死亡和biomyc-3 Plasmocin慢瘧原蟲長達6天。**的化合物,沒有殺死瘧疾寄生蟲惡性瘧原蟲和根除支原體培養觀察到MRA。 英文原文: A comparative efficacy of four antibiotics, plasmocin (macrolid), Biomyc-1, -2, (tetracycline), and Biomyc-3, and Mycoplasma Removing Agent (quinolone derivatives) was determined for elimination of mycoplasma from Plasmodium falciparum culture. Presence of mycoplasma was detected using enzyme-PCR-based mycoplasma detection kit and survival of malaria parasite was determined in Giemsa’s stained smear made from treated and untreated cultures. It was observed that a combination of Biomyc-1 and -2 killed malaria parasites within 24 h, whereas plasmocin and Biomyc-3 caused slow death of malaria parasite stretched over a period of 6 days. The only compound which did not kill malaria parasite and eradicated mycoplasma from P. falciparum culture was observed to be MRA. 推薦閱讀: